Setting Hot Folder on a Headless machine

From Zoom 6.0 and above, Hot folder can be configured on a headless machine using Zoom Web Management Console. Check here for how-to instructions.


From Zoom 5.3 and above, Zoom supports configuring Hot Folder instances on a remote machine. This is useful for example, when we have to setup Hot Folders to run on headless terminals.

There are two ways of configuring on a remote machine:

  1. Through GUI settings on any regular machine where Zoom client is installed.
  2. Through HTTP request from a headless / regular machine.
Only superadmin users can perform remote Hot Folder configurations

Enabling GUI settings for Remote Hot Folder Configuration

To setup a hot folder on a remote machine, the administrator needs to enable the “Push Settings” option under the Hot Folder configuration menu in the Settings dialog. Do the following to accomplish this.

  1. Locate the Location of the file in different platforms given in the table below:
    OS Path
    Mac /Users/username/.zm/
    Linux /home/username/.zm/
    Windows C:\Users\username\.zm\
  2. Open the file in a text editor.
  3. Add a new property key: ENABLE_HOT_FOLDER_PUSH_SETTING.
  4. Set its value to TRUE (to enable push settings): ENABLE_HOT_FOLDER_PUSH_SETTING=TRUE
  5. Save the file and restart the Zoom ClientProxy.
  6. Open the Z settings dialog.
  7. A new node must now become visible under the Hot Folder Settings node Push hot folders settings. See the sample screen-shot

Hot Folder Push Settings enabled on a non-headless machine

Authenticating the Push Settings

  1. Enter the remote machine’s IP address and press Enter.
  2. The hot folder mechanism will authenticate the server url. Please provide administrator credentials if prompted for username and password.
  3. After verification, enter the Clientproxy’s URL to set the hot folder and enter the Hot folder credentials to validate.
  4. Once validated, you can proceed by clicking on the Create button.
  5. Hot Folder Settings dialog will open where you can specify the Hot Folder details like folder path etc  and click on Push Settings. Push Hot Folder Settings

Note: The folder and file paths specified in the settings should be valid on the remote machine.

Setting HTTP request

To setup hot folder using an HTTP request, certain parameters will be required to be able to add/update/delete hot folders. The HTTP request can be made from any machine. The HTTP request will be made to the ClientProxy URL of the machine where the hot folder needs to be set up. The following table shows the complete list of parameters which can be passed with request.

Parameter Default Value Possible Values Description
opcode add, update, delete, save Determines whether the operation is to add, delete, update hot folder or save for saving only the hot folder credentials
url Default Server Is the zoom server url on which the hot folder will import assets to. If no server is send, it takes the default server(if setup)
adminuser The user having administrative role can perform the action
admincookie The cookie will be required to validate the login on the headless machine. You can get cookie by running the getCredentials command from where the request is being sent
hfuser Is the hot folder user who authenticates the hot import
hfpasswd Is the password for the hot folder user
project Is the project name on which the hot folder is set to
isActive false true, false Determines whether the hot folder is Under Monitoring or not. The default value is false
importTo  –  – Is the destination the zoom server where the assets will be imported to
folderPath Is the path of the hot folder from where the assets will be ingest to Zoom
syncEvery 10 Set how often Zoom should check for updates in that folder
timeUnit Minutes Minutes, Seconds Determines the time unit
isEmailNotify false true , false Enables or disables any email notifications to be send after the hot import has finished.
emailTo List of email id’s who will receive emails if email notification is enabled
applyMetadata DO_NOT_APPLY APPLY_ALL, APPLY_PER, DO_NOT_APPLY Determines which type of metadata will be applied on the asset CSV type or key=value type. Default value is DO_NOT_APPLY
metadataPath Is the path of the metadata file.
enablePreScript false true, false Enables or disable the pre-script
preScript  – Is the pre-script file path which will get executed before the hot import
enablePostScript false true, false Enables or disables the post-script
postScript Is the post-script file path which will get executed after the import has completed successfully
backupAfterImport false true, false Determines whether to backup assets or to delete them
backupAssetsTo The backup folder path where the assets will be backed up to if backup is enabled. By default backup is disabled
untouchedFreq 1  – Controls which files present in the hot folder are actually eligible to be imported
untouchedFreqType Minutes Minutes, Seconds Determines the time unit
 oldPath Is used in case of update, where the hot folder is updated. So the old hot folder path allows to update the old settings to the new one
 Note: The parameters with default values can be skipped from the http request parameter list
Here is a sample URL for setting up a simple Hot Folder on a remote machine:


This can be issued from any browser or using a utility like “curl”. On successful completion of this request, a simple Hot Folder will be set up on the machine of IP with the parameters indicated.





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