Zoom 7.6.3 and above offers the ability to schedule automatic and periodic execution of specific actions, on assets matching pre-defined search criteria. Here is how you can set this feature up.
Framework Configuration
- Log in to your Web-based management console and open the Search and Execute Settings from the Server Control Panel.
- Click on the tab labeled “Periodic Saved Search”
- Configure the frequency of executing the actions.
- Select the action to be executed on the matched assets.
- If you only need a report generated, and nothing else, then select “No Action”.
- Save and exit.
Marking Searches for Periodic Execution
- Launch the Visual Asset Browser.
- Click on Search tab, and open Settings icon on the Advanced Search panel.
- Select the desired Saved Search from the list. (You can save any of your recent searches if you do not already have any Saved Searches).
- Click on the triangle icon to mark it to run periodically.
- On clicking, the icon will turn into a clock icon as shown in the right hand side.
You can mark as many of the Saved Searches to run periodically, as you wish. All the Saved Searches will be picked up and executed repeatedly according to the frequency configured on the server side settings. All assets matching the Saved Search parameters, will then be submitted to the “Action” configured on the server side settings. If “No Action” is specified, a report containing the matched assets’ details will be saved periodically on the server location.
If you want to remove a Saved Search from periodic run, simply click on the clock icon, to unmark it.
Only superadmin users can mark / unmark Saved Search for periodic runs.