Preview Server Automatic Restart

Zoom 8.0 and above offers the ability to schedule automatic and periodic restart of the Preview Server.
Admins can this feature to schedule the periodic restart of Preview Server at fixed interval on a designated date and time.


  • Connect to the Preview Server machine, use either SSH or Windows RDP to connect.
  • Visit the Preview Server installation directory.
  • Open and Edit the file preview-server.xml. This file can be found in the conf directory. For example: [ZOOM_INSTALL_DIR]/conf/preview-server.xml
  • Locale the XML section where it says: <autorestartspec>
  • Change the frequency, date and time as per your need.
    • Date and time fields are in the UTC/GMT. You need to set the time accordingly to the UTC/GMT time.
    • Time fields is in the 24 hours format. Don’t put AM/PM.
    • For example: For PST(Pacific time zone) setting the date to “2020-12-13 00:00:00.0 UTC” and time to 08:01, results in the Preview Server restart at midnight 12:01AM.
  • Make sure the flag: autoRestartEnabled is set to true.
  • Ignore any other flags.
  • Save the changes and restart the Preview Server for the changes to take effect.

Please check the preview server log file to verify the changes and see the next restart time. Preview Server will log(print) the line like this:

INFO: Wed, 9 Dec 2020 12:56:23.864 PST [PreviewAutoRestartService.setupRestartTask ZmPreviewServerStartupThread-1] Scheduling automatic restart of server every 7 DAYS. Next scheduled restart is on: 12/13/20 12:01 PM

If you don’t see the section <autorestartspec>, add if from here given sample at the bottom of the file before the closing tag: </previewserver>.

    <date>2020-12-13 00:00:00.0 UTC</date>

Benefits of Automatic Restart

  • Preview Server cleans up the temporary directory on startup and results in the periodic cleanup of the temporary directories.