Repository on this server is different from that stored on your client


While running a Zoom command, you see  an error pop-up in the UI or in the client log files:
Repository on this server is different from that stored on your client; server ID = ZoomServer-....., client ID = ZoomServer-....


After an upgrade the unique repository id might have changed, causing the client specific information stored under the user's home directory/.zm folder to be out of sync with the server.


Please try one or both of these options:
Option A

  1. Make sure to login as the system user where the Zoom client CLI/API is being invoked from or the user’s desktop from which the client app is being launched. For instance if a Zoom CLI/API was being invoked from a system account, “zoom-service-account”, ensure you are logged in as that system user. Reason being the  user's home directory/.zm folder is unique to each logged in user on that machine.
  2. Delete the server entry from the Z->Settings->Server/WC Settings table and add it again with the same server alias/name and then retry the command.
  3. If the error re-occurs check if the “Repo ID” column in the Z->Settings->Server/WC Settings table matches the server ID in the error message.

Option B

  1. Open a terminal or a command Window on the machine where you observe the error
  2. Run the following zm command: zm -s <server-name> version -l . Please ensure the <server-name> matches with the server used in the command that generated that error.

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