Zoom 7.5.1 Release Notes


Release Date: 1st June 2020

Evolphin Zoom 7.5.1-RELEASE.22 is a full release consisting of Linux and Windows servers, and Windows and Mac clients.

Evolphin Job Hub 2.2-Release 1130 provides Hub Server and Hierarchical Archive components for Evolphin Zoom. It supports Zoom release 7.5 and above.

New Features and Enhancements

  • Supports Adobe Creative Cloud 2020.
  • Supports macOS Catalina 10.15 for Zoom Client.
  • From 7.5 onwards, Zoom handles curator indexes differently. You must update your curator indexes before upgrading to Zoom 7.5.x from Zoom version 7.3 and below. Follow these instructions before upgrading Zoom.

Major Fixes

  • A purge operation on a non-empty folder will also update the changesets now, without requiring a server restart.
  • In the Zoom Adobe plugin, if a new project is created with new files in the same folder as an existing project, these new files do not get replaced by the project template files now.
  • When SGL Archive on ingest is configured in Zoom, then a newly ingested asset is archived to SGL.
  • In a HADR setup, the auto-checkout user’s login is not replicated now, so that authenticated sessions on multiple HADR nodes can run simultaneously.
  • The number of desktop licenses can not be exceeded now when using LDAP to pull users and roles into Zoom under some specific scenarios.
  • In the Asset Browser, preview generation works even when redirection from http to https port is enabled on the Preview Server.
  • Multiple extension types are now supported for mid-res video files.
  • The aac converter will be used as the low-res converter in Zoom now.
  • Zoom can now import assets attached to a blanket metadata file successfully even when the blanket file contains escape characters.
  • Multiline values are also supported while applying metadata to assets using a blanket metadata file.
  • For faster ingest of assets, Zoom does not store checksum as metadata for the assets ingested through the Data Migration in the Asset Browser.
  • For faster performance in a Zoom VideoFX setup, Transcoder’s calls to the Zoom Server are optimized to reduce the number of calls between them.
  • Evolphin Job Hub
    • Archive job is created successfully for image sequence files when the filename pattern has space before the sequence numbers, like File 001.jpg.

Major Pending Issues

  • Sometimes, deadlock is caused in the Job Hub during the execution of multiple AI jobs.
  • While automatically upgrading Zoom, EZ Client fails to install Zoom Client on macOS Mojave and High Sierra. EZ works with mac OS Catalina.
  • Transcoding fails for some video assets on a WIndows-based Zoom Server setup due to missing codecs.
  • When using Zoom Adobe plugin in Adobe InCopy, Make Link does not link files on Search and Browse tabs.

Third-party Software Versions

Zoom 7.5.1 builds have been tested against the following:

Operating Systems (Servers)Linux RHEL 6.7, Linux RHEL 7.0, CentOS 7, Windows Server 2012
Operating Systems (Clients)Windows 10 Pro, macOS Catalina 10.15.3, macOS Mojave 10.14.6
BrowsersFirefox 76.0.1, Safari 13.0.5(15608.5.11), Chrome 81.0.4044.138
Adobe Photoshop 20.0.9, 21.1.2
Adobe Illustrator 23.1.1, 24.1.2
Adobe InDesign,
Adobe Premiere Pro 13.1.5, 14.0.4
Adobe After Effects 16.1.3, 17.0.6
Adobe InCopy,
MAXON Cinema4D R21
Adobe Flash Player32.0.0.344,
Adobe AIR27.0.0.128,
Telestream Vantage7.2.166
SGL Flashnet6.9.01.003 (API v1 and v2)
