7.5.0 Release 262 Patch Notes


Release Date: 18th March 2020

Evolphin Zoom 7.5.0-RELEASE.262 is a patch release for Linux and Windows servers.

Major Fixes

  • Updated the Curator Server to be able to index existing audit files after Zoom upgrade to 7.5.

Third-party Software Versions

Zoom 7.5.0 Release 262 builds have been tested against the following:

Operating Systems (Servers)Linux RHEL 6.7, Linux RHEL 7.0, Microsoft Windows Server 2012
Operating Systems (Clients)Microsoft Windows 10, macOS Mojave 10.14.6
BrowsersMicrosoft Edge 42.17134.1098.0, Firefox 72.0.2, Safari 13.0.4(13608., Chrome 79.0.3945.117
Adobe Photoshop 19.1.9, 20.0.7
Adobe Illustrator 22.1.0, 23.1.1
Adobe InDesign,
Adobe Premiere Pro 12.1.2, 13.1.5
Adobe After Effects 15.1.2, 16.1.3
Adobe InCopy,
MAXON Cinema4D 19.024, 20.057
Adobe Flash Player32.0.0.321
Adobe AIR27.0.0.124
Telestream Vantage7.2.166.267828
SGL Flashnet6.9.01.003 (API v1 and v2)
