Applying Skip Metadata Changes Fix Patch

If you have installed Zoom Server version 7.2.2-RELEASE.58-600ce5053 and use VideoFX, then you would need this patch to see the option to skip metadata path during ingest. Follow these steps to apply the patch:

On Zoom Server:

  1. Download the patch files on Zoom Server (as shared by Support).
  2. Stop all Zoom services.
  3. Backup the existing jars in %ZOOM_INSTALL_DIR%/lib/zoom/ to a separate backup directory.
  4. Copy the respective jar files from the patch to the above location in step 3.
  5. Start Zoom services again.

On Preview Server:

  1. Download the patch files on Preview Server (as shared by Support).
  2. Stop all Zoom services.
  3. Backup vabweb.war file in %ZOOM_INSTALL_DIR%/web/app/ to a separate backup directory.
  4. Copy the vabweb.war file from the patch to the above location in step 3.
  5. Backup file in %ZOOM_DEPLOY_DIR%/pre-hook/ to a separate backup directory.
  6. Copy the file from the patch to the above location in step 5.
  7. Start Zoom services.

On Zoom Client:

  1. Download the patch files on the Zoom Client machine.
  2. Stop Client Proxy.
  3. Backup jar files at the following locations for Windows and Mac:
    • MAC – /Application/Evolphin/zoom/Resources/lib/zoom
    • Windows – %ZOOM_INSTALL_DIR%\lib\zoom
  4. Copy jar files from the patch to the above locations in step 3.
  5. Backup ZmDialog.swf file at the following locations for Windows and Mac:
    • MAC – /Application/Evolphin/zoom/Check-In
    • Windows – %ZOOM_INSTALL_DIR%\air\zmcheckindialog
  6. Copy the new ZmDialog.swf file from the patch to the above locations in step 5.
  7. Backup ZmFlexSearchClient.swf file at the following locations for Windows and Mac:
    • MAC – /Application/Evolphin/zoom/Asset
    • Windows – %ZOOM_INSTALL_DIR%\air\zmvisualsearch
  8. Copy the new ZmFlexSearchClient.swf file from the patch to the above locations in step 7.
  9. Start Client Proxy.
  10. Repeat for each Zoom Client.