Ease of navigation is key to reducing time spent by editors browsing, or searching through their asset repository. New features in Zoom Desktop 8.2 such as the folder breadcrumb trail make this a breeze.
New Settings Panel
To change your profile or customize the Zoom Desktop UI, you can use the new Settings panel to personalize the application.
Advanced Search Enhancements
Advanced search now allows you to limit your search to only the selected folders as opposed to earlier version the search would span across all your folders. Custom defined file type filters allow you to scope the search to specific class of media.
View Links
Tracking links to elements used in an Adobe CC project or the other way around, finding all the projects an element is being used in has always been possible in Zoom Visual Asset Browser.
With this feature, you can locate the elements used in a project with one click from Zoom Desktop.
View Layers
Artists editing with Adobe Illustrator, Photoshop, InDesign or After Effects heavily use layers for graphics design and requires the editors to open the file in the Adobe CC App.
However the new “Layers” panel in the Zoom Desktop can now show the layer hierarchy to the editors without even opening up the app, saving valuable time.
Smart Copy/Links
Smart Copy or Smart Link is a patented Evolphin Zoom feature that ensures your duplicate media or elements never need take up any extra space on the cloud or on-premises storage.
Now you can create & manage smart copy or smart links directly from the Zoom Desktop.
Restore High-res Media
The Zoom Archive hubs such as the desktop based AWS S3 Hub can restore high-res media for any requested asset or folder.
Till now that feature was available from Visual Asset Browser. In this update, creatives can restore folders or individual files from the Zoom Desktop.
Copy URL
Using the Zoom Desktop it’s easy to share a link to an asset by copying its URL and then opening it from a Web Browser’s address bar.
New PDF Viewer
Previewing or commenting on PDF pages has been available in Zoom for a long time.
In this release, we have replaced the PDF viewer with a brand new one that allows small fonts or large pages to be viewed at a high DPI on retina displays.
Sortable Metadata Columns in List View
To sort asset in the list view using metadata columns has been possible in Visual Asset Browser.
In this update, the feature is now available in Zoom Desktop. Simply click on the column name to sort it up & down.
Search in Folder
To make it easy to locate assets within a folder, Zoom Desktop now supports search in folder with type-ahead filtering to quickly narrow to the matching files.