New in Collaboration

Top 3 Features in 8.2

Notify only owner on asset change

Sometimes when working with a shared library of elements such as a brand logo you may want the brand owner to be notified if the element changes instead of everyone who touched the file.

The new feature “Notify only owner on asset change” supports that.

Notify only editors on asset change

Working from home or remote offices requires editors in a shared project to be notified when their team mates modify the files they have edited in the past.

Zoom now automatically extracts the list of editors that have worked on various revisions of the same file and notify them when another user checks-in a new revision.

Notify on rename/move/delete

No one likes to receive tons of email notifications from an automated system. If you feel that the Zoom change notifications are becoming too much, you can turn them off from the Zoom Desktop Settings panel.

Zoom 8.2 is here!